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We’ve all heard that coffee pods are bad for the environment, but there aren’t many solutions available. These are the people behind the green coffee pods, making it possible to have less of an impact on the Earth but still enjoy those Nespresso compatible pods.
Because of the 60 billion capsules made every year, with metals and other materials that just aren’t environmentally friendly, Halo Coffee went about changing things. They use water sugar cane, which is a by-product of the sugar cane industry to make their unique paper compostable coffee pods. They decompose within 28 days in the right conditions, and the impact on the environment is lessened.
It’s much the same as any reputable coffee subscription. It all starts with the frequency. These coffee pods can be delivered every 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks.
Then, it is all about the subscription package. The team has created a handful of Halo Coffee subscriptions to make this easier. These include 40 capsules in each and options include the house blend, where you get the pick of their core coffees. There’s also a curated section, a caffeinated, and a decaffeinated group of coffees.
Some of these can include a rotation of different coffees, so they move through the different house blends with a caffeinated selection to keep things interesting.
Once you have made the all-important coffee decision, you follow the checkout steps and await delivery. Even the packaging has been designed to fit through the letterbox, so you don't have to get out of bed to receive a Halo Coffee subscription.
There is a vast range to choose from, and they have all types of blends, so you’ll never be missing out compared to regular Nespresso pods. For example, part of the house blends selection includes single-origin Hondouras blends, which has notes of milk chocolate, milk, and walnut, as well as the popular ristretto and lungo options that are often seen on supermarket shelves.
There is nothing that impacts the quality of the coffee in a negative way. You still get the same enticing aromas and great taste as it is all about the grounds, and not what the capsule is made of.
This very much depends on the blend. One of the house blends starts at £26, providing 40 capsules to get you through the week or month. This is the Honduras single origin we mentioned before and it is popular because of the smooth and nutty taste with a creamy feel that makes it go down so well.
They aren’t much different in how they are used. Sure, the fact that they are paper means they are less rigid than the plastic and metal Nespresso pods. This can mean they require a little more care when putting them into position in the machine.
As with any capsule, they may occasionally get stuck after, but using a spoon to give them a little push can help. This is rare and doesn’t seem to happen any more than it would with regular capsules.
The work with Nespresso Original Home Systems but not with the likes of Nespresso Vertuline, Professional, Dolce Gusto, Lavazza Systems,,Tassimo, or Kerug.
We have no problem recommending this eco-friendly company. As a subscription service, the process is simple, and pods arrive promptly and are easy to use.
There is nothing to separate the quality of coffee and other pods, with many of their blends being new favourites of ours.
The main plus point is that the impact on the environment is lessened. In compostable conditions, even the packaging is recyclable, so there is a lot to like in this respect. Anyone who thinks about their impact on the environment will see this as an opportunity to do something about the waste that occurs when using regular Nespresso pods.
Yes, and we have the latest. We’re always checking to make sure this section is up to date so be sure to come here for a Halo Coffee discount code.
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